I'm working on a new project with
Adrian Kosky, and this is the building where it's all going to happen. We are looking into our future with the potential of artist-in-residence spaces and group accommodation (similar to what we have at
Tasma House) in downtown
Clarksdale, Mississippi, U.S.A., in the old Masonic Temple located at Third Street and Issaquena Avenue. This new project is unfolding daily, as Adrian and I learn what we may and may not do as citizens of two different countries/continents. I am so excited by the possibility of having fun by living a busy life again that I am finding it hard to concentrate on feeding the
ducks and cockatoos in my backyard! I can't sleep, can't paint, can't ea....... nevermind, enough said.
Photo by Susan Gordon-Brown |
This photo of Adrian and me was taken just after the decision to purchase the Masonic Temple....with good vibes and coffee as shown.
I've started a blog, twitter account, youtube channel, and even a facebook page to provide official info about the project. I am hoping that others will be as excited about this as Adrian and I are!
Here are the relevant links:
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