Carla Linkous Maxwell

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Table Hill in Lyonville, Victoria, Australia, October 23, 2011

Last Sunday I enjoyed an afternoon of music with friends, great food, and fabulous beverages, at the Radio Springs Hotel in a little town called Lyonville in Victoria, Australia.  I took a few snapshots of my day, btw.....and here's one that I am particularly happy with:

That's the chalkboard on the hotel's verandah.  It might seem like a little thing to see "Table Hill" written up like that, but I didn't take this sight for granted.  I truly appreciate the gift/blessing of being allowed to make music in a pub, in fact!  I was happy to take note (pictures) of the proof, for sure.

During the music-making of Table Hill, the pub's publican played along.  The next picture is of Ken Parfrey, rockin' with us.  I was playing a mountain dulcimer and enjoying this moment (and the music) SO MUCH that I had to pull my camera out of my pocket and snap this picture quick enough to get back on the beat.  This was a moment in my history, and I wanted to be able to remember it.  

Here's Table Hill with Ken in Lyonville, playing Vigilante Man......complete with screen-door slams and the accompaniment of a little girl guest player with a tubular shaker, along with Ken taking a break to collect his take, and Phil switching from bowed-saw to harmonica, and with whatever else I captured in my recording.....Click here to listen to all that.

For more of Ken's electric guitar, more of Adrian's singing, stomping, guitar playing, more of Phil's hollerin' and harmonica squealin', all going on while I try to keep up with my mountain dulcimer, click here to hear a crazy version of Good Morning Blues.  And, just for fun, click here to hear a few more tunes from Table Hill's gig last Sunday.

Funny things happen during my gigs (I still get tickled when I use the phrase "my gigs"), and I love moments when I realize I am simultaneously a participant and an observer as these things occur.  While Table Hill was playing, a book fell off the shelf above the band and landed at the feet of Phil McNamara, the saw-playing poet, who had been making spooky-halloweeny sounds with his saw.  I am not making any proclamations about witches, or why this particular book fell into our set,.....I'm just sayin'.....while we were playin'.......this happened, and we enjoyed a moment with our imagination and a bit of contemplation and then continued with concentration.  This is a picture of the book.  

I haven't shared many pictures of the Radio Springs Hotel lately, but I'm happy to have a few new pics to show.  The verandah has had some work and now has heating and other weather protection. I snapped this picture of the poet, Dr. Phil McNamara, as we passed each other on our break.

I also snapped this picture of Big Ginge, a beloved Lyonville celebrity.  He is so beautiful.

I probably should not say that the best thing about having a gig is the food I get after a performance.....but.....I will say that I TOTALLY enjoy being cared for and looked after, after playing music at the Radio Springs Hotel.  The luxury of getting to order from the menu and having food prepared the way I like it and brought to me with appreciation for an afternoon of playing music is REALLY something special.  Food is such a beautiful thank you gift!  Here's Adrian looking relaxed and appreciative after our lovely meal.

Jackie Airey and Ken Parfrey, the owners of the Radio Springs Hotel, are wonderful hosts and generous people.  I admire the way they treat their guests, their staff, and the rest of us who have gigs in their pub.  

I especially like the special attention that Radio Springs' Kareena Hodgson gives Table Hill.  Here she is with Dr. Phil.....or "Whitney," as she likes to call him.  

It's always nice to see Chef, Dominic Tucci, when he can step away from the kitchen.  He greets us with kindness and presents really good food!!

For all of these things I am thankful.

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